
ENY2890 – CURE (Classroom-based Undergraduate Research Experiences) Course in Agricultural Sciences

screen-shot-2016-12-16-at-2-15-37-pm3 Credits

Offered: Summer 2017

Course description: Undergraduates from underrepresented groups in science will participate in lecture and laboratory sections of a course where they will learn about ecology, evolution, and the important role science plays in agriculture. In the lab portion, students will actively participate in an actual research project where they will work with insects and collect data that will lead to an academic peer-reviewed publication.

image2ENY3510C / ENY5516 – Turf & Ornamental Entomology

3 Credits

Offered online: Fall semesters

Course description: This semester-long course is intended to educate undergraduates, graduates, and professionals about the ecology and management of arthropod pests of landscape plants. Students will learn to identify, monitor, and determine the best integrated pest management practices for use in the landscape. It is a practical source of information that students can use in undergraduate or graduate degree programs, certificate programs, or in preparing for the state pesticide applicator licensing exam.

Learn more about the UF Entomology & Nematology Landscape Pest Management Distance Education Program at: http://entnemdept.ifas.ufl.edu/academics-directory/online-learning/online-learning-distance-program-options/

cropped-cropped-dsc_0416.jpgENY6934 – Ecology of Insects in Urban Environments

Offered: Periodically
Credits: 1 Credit

During this graduate seminar, we will read, critique, and discuss the latest research literature relevant to insects that live and interact in urban ecosystems.